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Connect South Ayrshire

Now officially launched, Connect South Ayrshire delivers integrated statutory, healthcare and voluntary services, with a clear focus on providing accessible information, advice and support across all our communities.

Click here for further details


Help in a Power Cut - Support for the Community

29/10/24 email from SP Energy:


Good afternoon,


I’m one of the Social Obligations Coordinators for SP Energy Networks.


We’re looking to engage with as many of our customers as possible, to explain we’re not Scottish Power, we are the network provider SP Energy Networks, so anyone living within southern central Scotland, north west Wales, Merseyside, Cheshire and north Shropshire are our customers.


One of our main reasons we’re looking to engage is to ensure our vulnerable customers are added or updating their detail on the Priority Services Register.  Once added this will ensure that during a power cut that we can tailor the support they need during this period and pro-actively keep them up to date where possible.  I’ve attached the information in the form of a leaflet [click here to view leaflet] on who is applicable to be on the register.  The register applies to households and not the individual, so we can take details for anyone in the residence all under one name (the person filling out the form).


Secondly we are looking to promote our additional services, which all come free of charge.  We’ve partnered with various organisations that will help make customers’ homes as warm and as energy efficient as possible, to help reduce the rising costs of energy.  We can also offer home fire safety checks, offer carers support and also look into income maximisation through benefit checks, this has in some cases led to backdated payments.  I’ve also attached a leaflet [click here to view leaflet] referring to our additional services.


Besides this we will come out to any group with plenty of freebies which include winter packs, powercut light bulbs, torches, chargers etc.


Just to reiterate, all of our services are free, we’re really only looking to be able to reach as many of our customers as possible, we’re mostly doing this through warm spaces, luncheon clubs, coffee mornings, Pantries/Food Banks, drop in sessions/groups, etc.  But we are open to suggestion on any groups that you might feel would also benefit from our support


We have extended the timescale for the community surveys, the responses to which will help develop a community-led action plan that sets out our priorities.

If you haven't already, please submit your completed questionnaire before the end of November:

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October 2024

Burnbrae Woodland Proposal

This woodland has been proposed by the land owner; McTaggart and Meikle (by way of Walker Hines Woodland Services), primarily for economic value: timber and carbon credits.  The Community Council's aim is to maximise the potential for habitat enhancement and increased biodiversity, along with the woodland's utility for the community.  Click here for further details

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Volunteer Litter Picking Event
Walker Halls, Troon

Friday 27th September 2024
11am to 2pm
South Ayrshire Council have organised the above event to show their appreciation to our litter picking volunteers and to look at sharing good working practices to ensure we are supporting our volunteers with the amazing work they do.

Click here to apply for attendance


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