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Community Council Ongoing Projects

Burnbrae Woodland Proposal

This woodland has been proposed by the land owner; McTaggart and Meikle (by way of Walker Hines Woodland Services), primarily for economic value: timber and carbon credits.  The Community Council's aim is to maximise the potential for habitat enhancement and increased biodiversity, along with the woodland's utility for the community.  Click here for further details

Burnbrae woodland map.jpg

Symington Wildflower Project

A significant amount of work has been done recently to investigate the feasibility of creating a wildflower verge at the entrance to Symington on Symington Road South.  The Community Council is looking for feedback from the community regarding this. 

Further information and access to the community survey results on the above may be found by clicking here


Village Christmas Tree 

July 2021 UPDATE

After discussions with Ayrshire Roads Alliance, it was agreed that the connection for power feed for the lights should go underground rather than direct from the street light pole.  Due to this, additional funding is required.  After numerous phone calls and emails, South Ayrshire Council have clarified and published their process for 2021 funding applications and the Community Council have now applied for the additional funds for installation of underground power connection.

December 2020

We have been successful in securing funding from South Ayrshire Council to provide a Christmas Tree for the village.  The preferred site is the grassed area at the junction of Main Street and Symington Road North.  The ground has been prepared by SAC.  We are now working with Ayrshire Roads Alliance to organise the electrical work required. When this has been completed we will be purchasing tree lights with the remainder of the Christmas Tree funding and booking our tree for next Christmas. Hopefully this will bring a little Christmas Cheer to the village.


Traffic Calming 

The Community Council, following concerns raised by residents, continue to liaise with Ayrshire Roads Alliance regarding village traffic calming measures on the entry roads to the village. As a result of average speed cameras being temporary installed in 2019, ARA attended our CC meetings. It was reported by ARA that the worst areas of speed violations were Brewlands Road and Symington Road South.  As a consequence ARA would initiate the process for the installation of traffic calming measures.  ARA advised they would be seeking approval for traffic calming measures early 2021.  It appears these things take time to implement.  The CC will monitor and continue to keep you updated.

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